Glasgow - Anniesland
Crow Road : G13 1PL
The Anniesland cinder track was opened in 1883, it was an attempt by the owner, Mr Jennings, to introduce bicycle racing into the more genteel district of Glasgow. On May 5th 1883, Anniesland was the venue for the West of Scotland bicycle festival when clubs met at Charing Cross and rode in procession to Anniesland where an "instantaneous" photograph was taken and bicycle races were held. Often 500 riders from 40 clubs would take part in the run. There were other monthly track meetings in 1883 which were not well advertised and modestly supported. It does not seem that the Glasgow clubs supported the new cinder track.

The West of Scotland festival was again held at Anniesland in 1884 and commenting on the state of the track in 1884, The Evening News and Star of May 9th reported "it is a pity that this fine track is not more utilised than it is at present, it is not now exactly suited for racing on, as it has been somewhat neglected."

The festival continued to be well supported in 1885. "There was the largest attendance ever seen at a cycle meeting in the West of Scotland. Entries were good and some capital racing was witnessed."

In 1886 the festival ran as usual, with the bicycle racing at the Glasgow Academical sports.

The Field of May 16th 1891 reports a Glasgow Academical meeting on grass that was poorly organised. The following year, the meet only included one bicycle race, which had 8 entries. This seems to have been the end of bicycle racing at Anniesland.

Refs     : [83] [148] [p]